When purchasing an item on backorder, please allow 2-3 additional business days after we receive your order for your items to be shipped out.
All Competitor Pricing will be Matched!

Shipping Hours: 10AM – 4PM CST

Dear Salons and Stylists,

We are aware that you are working hard every day and probably are dreaming about hair at night! We are hopeful that we can focus attention that will help you and other salons and stylist. We are always receiving requests from customers who are interested in finding salons and stylists.

If you are interested in becoming our professional “Salon in the Limelight” or “Stylist in the Limelight”, please contact us.

To us, your WHS family, it is so very exciting to see how creative you are using our hair, and we would so much loooove to share our excitement with everyone – so tag us and hashtag #worldhairsystem on Instagram or Facebook. Let’s show the gorgeous, the beauty, and the special you!