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Bonding Adjustable Applicator

SKU: BAP-ADJ Categories: ,



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Thermal & Ceramic

No matter what temperature your particular fusion needs in order to melt, this Ceramic Applicator will work perfectly because of it being adjustable.  The ceramic surface makes it very easy to keep clean!

Used for applying Pre-Tipped U-Shaped Hair, or use I-Shaped or Bulk Hair, along with our Fusion Pearls, Re-Bonds or Shrinkies.

Price: $65.00

Suggestions: Drop one Fusion Pearl or Re-Bond onto the preheated Applicator.   It will stick to the applicator and immediately start melting. You are now ready to make I-Shaped V-shaped hair, or install bulk hair or hair that is cut off from a weft. This is also a great way to repair I Tips that  are soft or are missing  part of the tip.

When removing: If the Individual strand of hair is still in good condition, you can reuse it by cutting off the tip, and again installing by adding one fusion pearl or fusion tip to your preheated Applicator, and apply.

To remove Shrinkies: Heat up to loosen and slide off. Cut off any remaining residue from the extensions and reapply with a new Shrinkie.

If you want to seal open-ended braids or remove fusion, this tool also works perfectly for this too!

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