When purchasing an item on backorder, please allow 2-3 additional business days after we receive your order for your items to be shipped out.
All Competitor Pricing will be Matched!

Shipping Hours: 10AM – 4PM CST

Your privacy is very important to us. To protect your privacy in the best way possible, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.

Do you store my information and how am I protected?

The following applies to all information collected or submitted by you on our site. On some pages you may order products, make requests, or register to receive products or information. The type of personal information collected on these pages could be the following: Name, Business Address (shipping and delivery address), Email Address, Phone Number, or Credit/Debit Card information. In addition, you may provide us with photos, videos, etc., of your work.

What is your Privacy Policy?

World Hair System uses the information that you provide about yourself when you place an order or complete and order/orders. We never share this information with outside parties except when it is necessary to complete an order. For example, it is necessary to share your information with the processing company in order to charge your credit card, and with the shipping company in order to deliver your package.

We will utilize your email address, phone number, etc., that you provide if it is necessary to respond to you or contact you. This information is not used for any other purpose, and is not shared with any outside parties. When you register on our site, you are accepting to receive updates. For example, info on new products and services, price changes, etc. World Hair System never uses or shares personal identification information provided online, unrelated to what is described above. We also provide you the opportunity to opt out or otherwise prohibit such use.

Information that is submitted to us to be used on our site (photos, videos, graphics, explanations in regard to your work such as color effects or haircuts), and feedback, gives us the right to share and use it in social media perspectives, unless you have informed us otherwise in writing.

Is It Safe To Log Onto Your Site, & Are You Committed To Data Security?

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the proper use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures, to safeguard and secure your information.

Yes, our site is safe to log into. We care 100% about your privacy and security, and we protect your information by taking whatever safety measures that we possibly can.

Rights Of World Hair System

In order to make purchases on our Site, you will be required to provide some personal information. In particular, you must provide your true name, phone number, email address, billing and shipping address, and other requested information as indicated. Furthermore, you will be required to provide payment details. This means that you represent and warrant that both your name and payment information are valid and correct.

The Site is available only to individuals who meet our Site’s terms of eligibility, who have been issued a valid credit/debit card by a bank acceptable to our merchant processor, and who have authorized us to process a charge or charges on your credit/debit card in the amount of the total purchase price for the merchandise that is purchased.

By allowing purchase of merchandise, World Hair System finds it necessary to transmit or to obtain your credit card information; in order to validate your credit/debit card, to obtain an initial credit card authorization, and/or, to authorize purchase transactions.

Additionally, you are agreeing that we may use personal information provided by you, in order to conduct an appropriate anti-fraud check. Personal information that you provide may be disclosed to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, who may keep a record of that information. We reserve the right not to accept your order in the event that we are unable to obtain authorization for payment, that shipping restrictions apply to a particular item, that the item ordered is out of stock (or does not satisfy our quality control standards and is withdrawn), or you do not meet the eligibility criteria set out within the “Terms of Use”.

Also, we may refuse to process a transaction or refuse service to anyone at any time at our own discretion. We will not be liable to you or any third party by reason of us withdrawing any merchandise from the site, whether that merchandise has been sold, removed, screened, or edited. Any or all of the materials or contents on this site, are susceptible to the refusal of processing, undoing, or suspension of the transaction after processing has begun.

For further questions or comments, please contact us at: info@worldhairsystem.com

World Hair System
77 W. Washington St. #1306 & #1307
Chicago, IL. 60602
P. (1) 312-213-4900
1 888.hair477/1.888.424.7477