Approximate weight per pack: 4oz/110-114grams
All the packages of machine weft hair weigh the same: 4oz/110-114grams.
The longer the hair that you order, the shorter the width of the weft. The longer the weft, the shorter the hair length.
Following an overview of what you will receive in terms of the width of the weft and the different lengths of hair available in the machine-made weft.
- 10”/25.4cm length of hair – About 90”/228cm
- 12”/30.5cm length of hair – About 85”/216cm
- 14”/35.6cm length of hair – About 80”/203cm
- 16”/40.6cm length of hair – About 75”/190cm
- 18”/45.7cm length of hair – About 70”/178cm
- 20”/50.8cm length of hair – About 65”/165cm
- 22”/55.9cm length of hair – About 60”/152cm
- 24”/60.9cm length of hair – About 55”/140cm
- 26”/66.0cm length of hair – About 50”/127cm

Thickness of weft: 0.07”/1.74mm
Height of weft: ¼”/6.4mm
Reusable: Yes
Weft can be cut
Specifics: MACHINE MADE WEFTS are made by merging two wefts together. These are first sewn on a machine then sewn together again using a machine to make one weft. This is also how “back to back” colors are created; one machine sewn weft is one color, and the second machine made weft another color, then sewn together. Although the machine-made weft is not the thinnest of wefts, Bohyme® machine wefts are much finer and constructed stronger than most other brands.
The weft on Birth Remi® offers an even finer & more thin machine weft that the regular Bohyme® machine weft. This way you can achieve a very smooth application with included befits of being able to color or perm as you can with the Birth Remi® hair with the exception of the Mink Yaki texture.