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Bohyme® Hair extensions online retailer

World Hair System®

Merging Two Worlds

When Mette H. Menotti first started World Hair System® at the beginning of the millennium, this e-commerce site stood out from all the rest. It was the first and only online retailer to offer exclusively Bohyme® Hair. Simply stated, “we only wanted to work with the finest hair and products available.”

Shortly thereafter, Mette decided to open World Hair Institute servicing hair extensions and hair replacement clients only – a gem in the heart of downtown Chicago.

By merging these two worlds together, Mette and her highly skilled staff of stylists have been able to share our “hands on approach”, and our professional knowledge and experience, to you our customer. We have and will always support and assist you with any hair related needs that you may encounter.

stylist working with hair extensions
mette adding hair extensions

We have the knowledge to fully support you!

We work with hair extensions and hair replacements, we also do Micro Point Links which is adding two hairs individually to a strand of a client’s existing hair., along with creating full custom wigs & top pieces. We service our hair extension clients based on more than 25 different methods of attachment.

Products used on our clients are as you would use working on your own personal clients. We wear hair extensions as you or your clients would wear them. Also, we have visited hair factories abroad and understand how the hair is produced and processed. We have knowledge and practice the entire circuit of what we ourselves use and sell.

Our Core Values


We believe in great relationships based on trust, respect, and fairness in dealing with not only high volume purchasing customers, but treating all customers equally.


We value each and every customer and take pride in doing things that are fair and honest. We will always work on building trust in every situation.


Based on experience, working hands on, and being on top of continuing education, we will always strive to understand your concerns and provide support. We want to inspire each and every customer with a high standard of service and knowledge.

Followup & Follow Through

We believe that a company should not only be valued based on performance expected. For example, if an order is shipped and doesn’t satisfy the expectations of a customer, we follow through and will do our best to correct any dissatisfaction with our products. Integrity is of utmost importance to us.


We always strive to improve and exceed our customer’s expectations!